
Tanggal :
30 - 31 Juli 2013
Jam Pelaksanaan :
09.00 – 17.00 WIB
Tempat :
Hotel Manhattan,Jakarta

Materi :
Why you would need this program?
Liquidity drain or shock can bring an entity into suddent bankruptcy as well as lawsuit due to its failure to keep   its financial liablities. This program is designed to help participants gain a better understanding, knowledge and skill in managing liquidity risk through class room exercise and discussion.
What topics are covered?
This is a two-day (12 hours) workshop and it covers various topics such as : 
  1. Understanding liquidity risk  ;
  2. The early signals of liquidity problems ;
  3. Basel framework for managing liquidity risk ;
  4. Strategy for managing liquidity risk ;
  5. Case discussion
Pembicara / Fasilitator :
Drs. Deddy Jacobus, MBA, CIR, CCSA, ERMCP, CRMA
Chairman of the Association of Risk Management Practicioners (ARMP), Jakarta., Member  of the Steering Committee Professional Risk Managers International Associations (PRMIA) Chicago, USA., Certified Member of the Lembaga Komisaris dan Direktur Indonesia (LKDI), Jakarta., Certified in Risk and Control Self-Assessment (CCSA), IIA, Florida, USA., Certified Enterprise Risk Management Professional (ERMCP), ERMA, Singapore, Certified Risk Management Analyst (CRMA), IIA, Florida, USA., MBA, Risk Management, Universitas Gajah Mada., 10 years experience in Enterprise Risk Management.

Fee Training :
RP. 4.500.000,-
sudah termasuk makan siang, souvenir, material kit, sertifikat keikutsertaan, makan siang dan rehat kopi, belum termasuk pajak. Discount 10% untuk 4 orang peserta dari perusahaan yang sama. Free alumni membership dan kehadiran dalam Risk Discussion Forum 2 kali setahun.

Informasi Pendaftaran

Syifa Fauziah
Risk Workshop International
| Forward thinking in management |
PT Jagad Prima Mandiri
Wisma Bisnis Indonesia II, L3-08
Jl. Ir H Juanda III / 32
Jakarta 10120
Sentra Bisnis Golden 8,
Blok G No.36 
Jl. Ki Hajar Dewantara, Gading Serpong 
Tangerang 15810
Tel : 021 2923 8803, 512 60549
Fax : 021 3810076, 29238803
Tanggal :
24 - 25 Juli 2013
12 - 13 November 2013
Jam Pelaksanaan :
09.00 – 17.00 WIB
Tempat :
Hotel Manhattan, Jakarta

Materi :

Why you would need this program?
If your are an internal auditor, controller, or risk manager and need to know better about utilization of risk information for auditing or monitoring, this workshop is designed to meet your needs.

What topics are covered?
This is a two-day (12 hours) workshop and it covers: 
  1. Why risk based auditing (RBA) ;
  2. RBA process, methods, and techniques;
  3. Risk based auditing and risk & control self-assessment;
  4. RBA results, recommendation and reporting.

Pembicara / Fasilitator :
Drs. Deddy Jacobus, MBA, CIR, CCSA, ERMCP, CRMA
Chairman of the Association of Risk Management Practicioners (ARMP), Jakarta., Member  of the Steering Committee Professional Risk Managers International Associations (PRMIA) Chicago, USA., Certified Member of the Lembaga Komisaris dan Direktur Indonesia (LKDI), Jakarta., Certified in Risk and Control Self-Assessment (CCSA), IIA, Florida, USA., Certified Enterprise Risk Management Professional (ERMCP), ERMA, Singapore, Certified Risk Management Analyst (CRMA), IIA, Florida, USA., MBA, Risk Management, Universitas Gajah Mada., 10 years experience in Enterprise Risk Management.

Fee Training :
RP. 4.000.000,-
sudah termasuk makan siang, souvenir, material kit, sertifikat keikutsertaan, makan siang dan rehat kopi, belum termasuk pajak. Discount 10% untuk 4 orang peserta dari perusahaan yang sama. Free alumni membership dan kehadiran dalam Risk Discussion Forum 2 kali setahun.

Informasi Pendaftaran
Syifa Fauziah
Risk Workshop International
| Forward thinking in management |
PT Jagad Prima Mandiri
Wisma Bisnis Indonesia II, L3-08
Jl. Ir H Juanda III / 32
Jakarta 10120
Sentra Bisnis Golden 8,
Blok G No.36 
Jl. Ki Hajar Dewantara, Gading Serpong 
Tangerang 15810
Tel : 021 2923 8803, 512 60549
Fax : 021 29238803


Tanggal :
23 - 24 Juli 2013
24 - 26 September 2013
Jam Pelaksanaan :
09.00 – 17.00 WIB
Tempat : 
Hotel Manhattan, Jakarta

Mengapa Anda membutuhkan program ini? 
Jika Anda akan menerapkan manajemen risiko dalam mempersiapkan rencana bisnis / perusahaan Anda (RJP / RKAP),  workshop ini sangat tepat untuk Anda.
Workshop ini dirancang khusus  membahas panduan langkah demi langkah untuk mengembangkan rencana jangka panjang & rencana kerja tahunan berbasis risiko.

Topik apa yang dibahas?
Workshop akan dilaksanakan selama 3hari, meliputi:

Hari Pertama :
1.  Perencanaan  dalam perspektif manajemen risiko;
2.  Bagaimana menerapkan proses manajemen risiko  dalam proses perencanaan strategis;
3.  Tujuan strategis, inisiatif strategis, indikator kinerja utama dan analisis risiko;
4.  Analisis risiko terhadap asumsi internal dan eksternal yang digunakan dalam proses perencanaan: keandalan data, probabilitas dan alternatif optimal;

Hari  Kedua :
1.  Perencanaan keuangan (Proyeksi Keuangan) dengan analisis risiko;
2.  Analisis risiko terkait dengan Core Business & persaingan usaha dalam industri sejenis;
3.  Proyeksi Sumber Dana;
4.  Memanfaatkan Risk Register dan Profil  Risiko dalam perencanaan;

Hari Ketiga :
1.  Evaluasi Pemodelan  RJP & RKAP ditahun sebelumnya;
2.  Peringatan dini adanya kelemahan rencana Anda;
3.  Mengintegrasikan mitigasi risiko dan contingency plan;
4.  Diskusi kasus.

Wajib diikuti oleh:

  • BOD dan BOC
  • Management and Staf  Divisi Operasional 
  • Management and Staf  Divisi Fungsional 
  • Management and Staf  Manajemen Risiko
  •  Management and Staf Internal Audit 
  • Analis Risiko
  • Tim RCSA
  • Tim Perencanaan Strategis 

Pembicara / Fasilitator:

Drs. Deddy Jacobus, MBA, CIR, CCSA, ERMCP, CRMA
Chairman of the Association of Risk Management Practicioners (ARMP), Jakarta., Member  of the Steering Committee Professional Risk Managers International Associations (PRMIA) Chicago, USA., Certified Member of the Lembaga Komisaris dan Direktur Indonesia (LKDI), Jakarta., Certified in Risk and Control Self-Assessment (CCSA), IIA, Florida, USA., Certified Enterprise Risk Management Professional (ERMCP), ERMA, Singapore, Certified Risk Management Analyst (CRMA), IIA, Florida, USA., MBA, Risk Management, Universitas Gajah Mada., 10 years experience in Enterprise Risk Management.

Fee Training :
RP. 5.750.000,-
sudah termasuk makan siang, souvenir, material kit, sertifikat keikutsertaan, makan siang dan rehat kopi, belum termasuk pajak. Discount 10% untuk 4 orang peserta dari perusahaan yang sama. Free alumni membership dan kehadiran dalam Risk Discussion Forum 2 kali setahun.

Informasi Pendaftaran
Syifa Fauziah
Risk Workshop International
| Forward thinking in management |
PT Jagad Prima Mandiri
Wisma Bisnis Indonesia II, L3-08
Jl. Ir H Juanda III / 32
Jakarta 10120
Sentra Bisnis Golden 8,
Blok G No.36 
Jl. Ki Hajar Dewantara, Gading Serpong 
Tangerang 15810
Tel : 021 2923 8803, 512 60549
Fax : 021 29238803
Tanggal :
18 - 19 Juli 2013
01 - 02 Oktober 2013
Jam Pelaksanaan :
09.00 – 17.00 WIB
Tempat : 
Manhattan Hotel, Jakarta

Why you would need this program?
ISO 22301:2012 specifies the essential requirements for setting up and managing a BCM. Natural disaster, IT outage and industrial action are disruptions that make headline news. But disruption also includes staff illness or local events that affect your supply chain.Keeping your organization running, even when the unexpected threatens to disrupt operations and services, is where business continuity management (BCM) comes into its own.
ISO 22301, the international standard for BCM requirements provides a management system that allows you to identify potential threats to your organization and make sure you have the capacity to deal with unexpected disruption.

Business interruption is not necessarily the result of a large and obvious physical disaster. Many people believe that disasters only come in the ‘big bang ’variety and believe that they are immune from such events. They may consider that the non-controversial nature of the activities of their organisation, or to its location, may render it immune to acts of terrorism or other direct action. This may or may not continue to be the case into the future.

Statistically, the causes of a disaster are as likely as not to be fire, flood or windstorm. However, interruption equally could be caused by denial of access to the site, or key facilities where there is no physical damage to the premises. It's designed to protect your business from potential disruption.  This includes extreme weather, fire, flood, natural disaster, theft, IT outage, staff illness or terrorist attack. The ISO 22301 management system lets you identify threats relevant to your business and the critical business functions they could impact. And it allows you to put plans in place ahead of time to ensure your business doesn’t come to a standstill. 

What topics are covered?
This is a two-days (12 hours) workshop and it covers: 
  1. What is ISO 22301:20012 BCM System Standard and how it relates to ISO 31000:2009 Risk Management    Principles and Guideline;
  2. Paradigm shifting from Fire-Fighting Approach to Proactive Approach in minimizing the impacts of incidents;
  3. Identify and manage current and future threats to your business;
  4. Analyse the potential impacts of crisisto your business with Business Impacts Analysis (BIA) method;
  5. Keep critical functions up and running during times of crises;
  6. Minimize downtime during incidents and improve recovery time;
  7. Business resumption plan;
  8. Demonstrate resilience to customers, suppliers and for tender requests;
  9. Case Discussion.
Who Should Attend
  • Business Continuity Manager/Planner, Members of Crisis Management Team
  • Disaster Recovery Planners
  • Engineer and Technician, Customer Relations
  • Executive Management Overseeing Business Continuity and Crisis Mnaagement
  • General Manager, Managing Director of Organizations
  • Government  Representatives
  •  Head of Business Continuity Management/ Operational Risk Management
  •  Risk Management Professionals, Risk and Compliance Manager
  •  Security Manager, Facility and Administrative Manager

Pembicara / Fasilitator:

Drs. Deddy Jacobus, MBA, CIR, CCSA, ERMCP, CRMA
Chairman of the Association of Risk Management Practicioners (ARMP), Jakarta., Member  of the Steering Committee Professional Risk Managers International Associations (PRMIA) Chicago, USA., Certified Member of the Lembaga Komisaris dan Direktur Indonesia (LKDI), Jakarta., Certified in Risk and Control Self-Assessment (CCSA), IIA, Florida, USA., Certified Enterprise Risk Management Professional (ERMCP), ERMA, Singapore, Certified Risk Management Analyst (CRMA), IIA, Florida, USA., MBA, Risk Management, Universitas Gajah Mada., 10 years experience in Enterprise Risk Management.

Haldi Zusrijan Panjaitan, MT, CBCI
Business Continuity Management Certification, Certified by Business Continuity Institu (CBCI), Information Technology Master Program, Institute Teknologi Bandung, 5 Years Experience in Business Continuity Management ( BCM), Business Continuity Plan (BCP), and Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP).

Fee Training :
RP. 4.500.000,-
sudah termasuk makan siang, souvenir, material kit, sertifikat keikutsertaan, makan siang dan rehat kopi, belum termasuk pajak. Discount 10% untuk 4 orang peserta dari perusahaan yang sama. Free alumni membership dan kehadiran dalam Risk Discussion Forum 2 kali setahun.

Informasi Pendaftaran
Syifa Fauziah
Risk Workshop International
| Forward thinking in management |
PT Jagad Prima Mandiri
Wisma Bisnis Indonesia II, L3-08
Jl. Ir H Juanda III / 32
Jakarta 10120
Sentra Bisnis Golden 8,
Blok G No.36 
Jl. Ki Hajar Dewantara, Gading Serpong 
Tangerang 15810
Tel : 021 2923 8803, 512 60549
Fax : 021 29238803

Tanggal :
16 - 18 Juli 2013
19 - 21 November 2013
Jam Pelaksanaan :
09.00 – 17.00 WIB
Tempat :
Hotel Manhattan ,Jakarta

Materi :
Why you would need this program?
Is your project often face risk of leadtime, risk of over budget, risk of deviation in quality? Are you wondering about how you can improve your project management performance? This workshop is for you. It is about managing your project in a more anticipative way, responsive and resilience.
What topics are covered?
This is a three-day (18 hours) workshop and it covers: 
  1. Introduce to  project risk management : process and techniques ;
  2. Project risk management process ;
  3. Project risk modelling ;
  4. Improving your project management through effective risk mitigation and contingency plan ;
  5. Workshop on project risk modelling

Pembicara / Fasilitator :
Drs. Deddy Jacobus, MBA, CIR, CCSA, ERMCP, CRMA
Chairman of the Association of Risk Management Practicioners (ARMP), Jakarta., Member  of the Steering Committee Professional Risk Managers International Associations (PRMIA) Chicago, USA., Certified Member of the Lembaga Komisaris dan Direktur Indonesia (LKDI), Jakarta., Certified in Risk and Control Self-Assessment (CCSA), IIA, Florida, USA., Certified Enterprise Risk Management Professional (ERMCP), ERMA, Singapore, Certified Risk Management Analyst (CRMA), IIA, Florida, USA., MBA, Risk Management, Universitas Gajah Mada., 10 years experience in Enterprise Risk Management.

Fee Training :
sudah termasuk makan siang, souvenir, material kit, sertifikat keikutsertaan, makan siang dan rehat kopi, belum termasuk pajak. Discount 10% untuk 4 orang peserta dari perusahaan yang sama. Free alumni membership dan kehadiran dalam Risk Discussion Forum 2 kali setahun.

Informasi Pendaftaran
Syifa Fauziah
Risk Workshop International
| Forward thinking in management |
PT Jagad Prima Mandiri
Wisma Bisnis Indonesia II, L3-08
Jl. Ir H Juanda III / 32
Jakarta 10120
Sentra Bisnis Golden 8,
Blok G No.36 
Jl. Ki Hajar Dewantara, Gading Serpong 
Tangerang 15810
Tel : 021 2923 8803, 512 60549
Fax : 021  29238803