
Tanggal :
7 - 8 Februari 2013
Jam Pelaksanaan :
09.00 – 17.00 WIB
Tempat :
Swiss belHotel Grand Kartini,Hotel Harris Fx Sudirman, Jakarta

Materi :

Why you would need this program?
If your organization is considering to implement an enterprise-wide risk management (ERM), this program is very suitable for you. It will help you to achieve better understanding of ERM: what it is all about and how to implement it in your organization.

What topics are covered?
This is a two-day (12 hours) workshop and it covers: 
  1. Introduction to the concept and importance of ERM in business; 
  2. ERM International Framework according to COSO (2004) and ISO 31000:2009; 
  3. Top-down roles and responsibilities in ERM; 
  4. Prerequisites for effective implementation; 
  5. Case Discussion

Pembicara / Fasilitator :
Drs. Deddy Jacobus, MBA, CIR, CCSA, ERMCP, CRMA

Fee Training :
RP. 4.000.000,-
sudah termasuk makan siang, souvenir, material kit, sertifikat keikutsertaan, makan siang dan rehat kopi, belum termasuk pajak. Discount 10% untuk 4 orang peserta dari perusahaan yang sama. Free alumni membership dan kehadiran dalam Risk Discussion Forum 2 kali setahun.

Informasi Pendaftaran :
Risk Workshop International
| Maximizing Your Investment in Risk Management |
PT Jagad Prima Mandiri
Wisma Bisnis Indonesia II, L3-08
Jl. Ir H Juanda III / 32
Jakarta 10120
T : 0213810076, 51260549
F : 0213810076
E : info@rwi.co.id, syifa@rwi.co.id
B : www.riskworkshop.blogspot.com, 
W: www.rwi.co.id

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