

Tanggal :
28 - 30 Mei 2013
24 - 26 September 2013
Jam Pelaksanaan :
09.00 – 17.00 WIB
Tempat :
Le Meridien Hotel,Jakarta

Materi :
Why you would need this program?
If you are about to implement risk management in preparing your corporate/business plan (RJP/RKAP), this workshop is design for you. It will show you a step by step guide to develop a robust risk based corporate/business plan.

What topics are covered?
This is a three-days (18 hours) workshop and it covers: 
  1. Corporate/businessplan in risk management perspective ;
  2. How to implement risk management process into strategic planning process  ;
  3. Strategic objectives, strategic initiatives, key performance indicators and risk analysis;
  4. Risk analysis of assumptions used in planning process: reliablity, probability and optimum alternatives ;
  5. Early warning of inherent weaknesses in your plan ;
  6. Integrating risk mitigation and contingency plan;
  7. Case discussion

Pembicara / Fasilitator :
Drs. Deddy Jacobus, MBA, CIR, CCSA, ERMCP, CRMA

Fee Training :
RP. 5.750.000,-
sudah termasuk makan siang, souvenir, material kit, sertifikat keikutsertaan, makan siang dan rehat kopi, belum termasuk pajak. Discount 10% untuk 4 orang peserta dari perusahaan yang sama. Free alumni membership dan kehadiran dalam Risk Discussion Forum 2 kali setahun.

Informasi Pendaftaran
Syifa Fauziah
Risk Workshop International
| Forward thinking in management |
PT Jagad Prima Mandiri
Wisma Bisnis Indonesia II, L3-08
Jl. Ir H Juanda III / 32
Jakarta 10120
Sentra Bisnis Golden 8,
Blok G No.36 
Jl. Ki Hajar Dewantara, Gading Serpong 
Tangerang 15810
Tel : 021 2923 8803, 512 60549
Fax : 021 3810076, 29238803

Tanggal :
14 - 16 Mei 2013
17 - 19 September 2013
Jam Pelaksanaan :
09.00 – 17.00 WIB
Tempat :
Le Meridien Hotel, Jakarta

Materi :
Why you would need this program?
Operational failures lie in business process and activities. A single operational failure could potentially jeopardize a whole operation and even cause a catastropic losses to any business.This workshop is designed to help preventing, mitigating, and improving your business process basssedon better iunderstanding.

What topics are covered?
This is a two-day (12 hours) workshop and it covers: 
  1. Introductions to operational risks ;
  2. Understand the key risks and key controls to process through business process profiling and mapping;
  3. Developing early warning indicators ( KRI and KCI )of potential significant operational failures ;
  4. Improving your business process based on key risk exposures and key controls weaknesses ;

Pembicara / Fasilitator :
Drs. Deddy Jacobus, MBA, CIR, CCSA, ERMCP, CRMA

Fee Training :
RP. 5.750.000,-
sudah termasuk makan siang, souvenir, material kit, sertifikat keikutsertaan, makan siang dan rehat kopi, belum termasuk pajak. Discount 10% untuk 4 orang peserta dari perusahaan yang sama. Free alumni membership dan kehadiran dalam Risk Discussion Forum 2 kali setahun.

Informasi Pendaftaran :
Risk Workshop International
| Maximizing Your Investment in Risk Management |
PT Jagad Prima Mandiri
Wisma Bisnis Indonesia II, L3-08
Jl. Ir H Juanda III / 32
Jakarta 10120
T : 0213810076, 51260549
F : 0213810076
E : info@rwi.co.id, syifa@rwi.co.id
B : www.riskworkshop.blogspot.com, 
W: www.rwi.co.id

ISO 31000:2009 Risk Management Principles and Guideline

Tanggal :
21 - 22 Mei 2013
10 - 11 September 2013
Jam Pelaksanaan :
09.00 – 17.00 WIB
Tempat :
Le Meridien Hotel , Jakarta

Materi :
Why you would need this program?
If organizational risk management is a new concept to you, this program is very suitable. It will help you to achieve better understanding of organizational risk management based on ISO 31000:2009 risk management principles and guideline.

What topics are covered?
This is a two-day (12 hours) workshop and it covers: 
1.Understand modern new paradigm of risk; 
2.Risk management principles; 
3.Risk management framework: a strategic level process; 
4.Risk management process: steps from establish context and risk identification to risk treatment and monitoring; 
5.Case Discussion

Pembicara / Fasilitator :
Drs. Deddy Jacobus, MBA, CIR, CCSA, ERMCP, CRMA

Fee Training :
RP. 4.000.000,-
sudah termasuk makan siang, souvenir, material kit, sertifikat keikutsertaan, makan siang dan rehat kopi, belum termasuk pajak. Discount 10% untuk 4 orang peserta dari perusahaan yang sama. Free alumni membership dan kehadiran dalam Risk Discussion Forum 2 kali setahun.

Informasi Pendaftaran :
Risk Workshop International
| Maximizing Your Investment in Risk Management |
PT Jagad Prima Mandiri
Wisma Bisnis Indonesia II, L3-08
Jl. Ir H Juanda III / 32
Jakarta 10120
T : 0213810076, 51260549
F : 0213810076
E : info@rwi.co.id, syifa@rwi.co.id
B : www.riskworkshop.blogspot.com, 
W: www.rwi.co.id