Responding to Risks Effectively with KEY RISK INDICATORS
Holiday Inn Resort Baruna, Kuta,
Bali, 27-28 June, 2012
Risk Management without risk indicators
will fail to provide the necessary insights and early warnings to
management. On the contrary, with risk indicators management will be able
to anticipate and avoid the bad suprises while at the same time optimizing the
oppotunities arise.
Key Risk Indicators (KRIs) as a
quantified matrix of indicators of highly significant risks is now becoming
more often spoken about among risk management practitioners and strategic
planning team. As quantitative indicators, KRIs is more forward looking (predictive)
compares to other lagging business/performance indicators and hence all
organizations that need to improve their performance should consider developing
KRIs. KRIs makes it possible to ensure the achievement of corporate objectives
through proactive responses of threats (downside risks) and opportunities
(upside risks).
This two day seminar is designed to
bring together the cutting-edge knowledge and hands on experiences of our
noteable speakers on the significance benefits of KRIs to our business success
and on how to develop and utilise KRIs for higher performance/achievements.
Seminar Objectives
• To share with
participants the contemporary reseach findings on benefits of Key Risk
Indicators (KRIs) and best practices in developing them.
• To facilitate
sharing of experiences on opportunities and challenges in developing and
utilising KRIs based on participants's business characteristics.
Host of The Event
Mr. Deddy Jacobus - Senior Partner,
Risk Management, JPM and Partners/Risk Workshop International; Secretary
General of the Association of Risk Management Practitioners (ARMP); Certified
Member of the Institute Internal Audit (IIA), Florida, USA; Certified Member of
the Lembaga Komisaris dan Direktur Indonesia (LKDI) - Komite Nasional Kebijakan
Gonvernance; Board Member of Center for Corporate Leadership (CCL), Jakarta.
Speakers of the Event
• Dr. Pandu
Patriadi, Deputy Director, Pusat Pengelolaan Risiko Fiskal, Ministry of
Finance, Republic of Indonesia
• Mr. Ikhsan
Sembiring, OVP Risk Management, PT. Telkom Indonesia, Tbk.
• Dr. Adi Djoko
Guritno, Risk Management Commision Head, PT Timah (Persero), Tbk
• Mr. Phil
Leifermann, The Institute of Internal Auditors, Asia-Pacific
• Mr. Tony
Simmonds, Standard Committee Member, the Association of Risk Management
Practitioners (ARMP)
• Mr. Rainer
Widjaja, Director, Optus Risk Management Solution, Jakarta
Seminar's Rundown
Day 1
08.00 Registration and welcoming
08.30 Welcoming Remarks - Key Risk
Indicators an Overview of the Two-Day Seminar, Deddy Jacobus (host of
the event), Risk Workshop International
09.15 Session 1 - Country Risk,
Understanding the Key Indicators, Dr. Pandu Patriadi, Head of Fiscal Risk
Management, Ministry of Finance, Republic of Indonesia
10.15 Morning Refreshment
10.30 Session 2 - Sharing of
Experience: How Telkom Indonesia collects and utilises KRIs, Ikhsan
Sembiring, OVP Risk Management, Telkom Indonesia, Tbk
12.00 Lunch Break
13.00 Session 3 - Key Risk
Indicators (KRI), updates on research findings and current development, Tony
Simmonds, the Association of Risk Management Practitioners (ARMP)
14.30 Afternoon Refreshment
15.00 City Tour to Beach Front
Discovery Shopping Mall, Kuta, Bali
18.30 Gala Dinner
Day 2
09.00 Session 1 - Integrating risk
management and audit efforts with risk management information system, Mr.
Phil Leifermann, The Institute of Internal Auditors, Asia Pacific.
10.30. Morning Refreshement
10.45 Session 2 - Sharing of
Experience: How PT Timah utilises KRIs with integrated risk management
information system Dr. Adi Djoko Guritno, PT Timah (Persero) Tbk
12.00 Lunch Break
13.00 Session 3 - Case Discussion:
Which KRIs we should build? Deddy Jacobus, Risk Workshop International
14.30 Afternoon Refreshment
14.45 Closing Remarks - Key Points
of the Event and Closing Remarks, Deddy Jacobus, Risk Workshop International
15.00 Farewell Party with Door
Who Should Attend
· BOD dan BOC
· Management and Staff
Operation Divisions
· Management and Staff
Functional Support Divisions
· Management and Staff
Risk Management Function
· Management and Staff
Internal Audit Function
· Risk Analysts
· RCSA Team
· Strategic Planning Team
Registration Fee :
IDR. 7.000.000 (Early
Bird : IDR. 6.000.000 for Registration & Payment Receive Before 27th
May 2012)
*10% Discount for RWI alumni and
ARMP members
Conferences Package Inclusive : 2x
Coffee Break/day, 1x Lunch/day, 1x Gala Dinner, Sertificate of
attendance, Souvenir , Material Kit inside USB 4GB, Complementary WIFI Access,
City Tour.
GET SPECIAL DOORPRIZE : Blackberry Bellagio.. Samsung Galaxi W...Books and many more..!
Best Regard.
Rurhi Cespino
Project Officer
Jagad Prima Mandiri
Wisma Bisnis Indonesia II
Jl. Ir. H. Juanda III No.32 L3-08
Jakarta Pusat 10120 - Indonesia
T / F : 021 381 0076
M : 0856 850 3658
Best Regard.
Rurhi Cespino
Project Officer
Jagad Prima Mandiri
Wisma Bisnis Indonesia II
Jl. Ir. H. Juanda III No.32 L3-08
Jakarta Pusat 10120 - Indonesia
T / F : 021 381 0076
M : 0856 850 3658